Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dream of Little Sheep

Book seven of the Analects summarizes the whole concept of Confucianism in one sentence: 'Set your heart upon the Way, rely upon Virtue, lean upon Goodness, and explore widely in your cultivation of the arts.' (7:6) These are the main points I've understood, but I only wish it was this simple. Book seven also has some parts different from all the rest, they describe what the Master does- or what he doesn't do- instead of quoting him. He is always doing one thing while acting completely oppositely, like balancing out the forces, 'composed and yet fully at ease.' (7:4)

In Book eight the Master says: 'The common people can be made to follow it, but they cannot be made to understand it.' (8:9) This makes me feel like we are a stupid flock of sheep. This statement is sadly true, people, society, as a whole is stupid. We all follow the same fashions, all buy the same things, all act the same way. And why? Well, nobody knows. We just do it because everyone else does it. Not even do we understand it.

The Master seems to have a strong passion for culture and for people who are cultured. We see this when he is praising Yao and one of the things he exalts is 'glorious [he is] in cultural splendor!'

Book eleven also brings up the topic of the disciples' ambitions. They each plan for something of importance, except Zengxi who wishes with 'a company of five or six young men and six or seven boys to go bathe in the Yi River and enjoy the breeze upon the Rain Dance Altar, and then return singing to the Master's house.' (11:26) Confucius was completely with this ambition, because he says that the others are too big. It is like that saying that goes: taking one little step at a time. Dream big but make those dreams reachable, or else it will only cause unhappiness.

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