Thursday, February 4, 2010

Asian Rambling and Other Kinds of It

A. The title of this blog is Asian Rambling.

B. The blogger uses the blog to write about his personal life, his perspective on things, and he also mentions his work as a photographer.

C. The title perfectly describes the content of the blog. A great way to describe what the blogger writes is rambling; he talks about anything he is thinking and comments in a non-structured way.

D. He writes on the blog as if it was his personal journal, he lets us in on his opinions and tells us his ideas as easily as if he was writing to himself.

E. Another blog that is about the same things is Wannabe Weblog. I personally like that one better, as it has a kind of voice that reaches out to us; it is funny and familiar.

F. In my opinion, this blog is neither very good nor very bad, it falls into 'normal' category with a lot of other blogs. The reason that this blog doesn't stand out is that it is very formal, at least too formal for a blog. The writer doesn't express himself in a way that makes us understand him as a person or feel very comfortable while reading. I think that if he would change the way he communicates with us to make it more friendly, this blog could raise to be much more noticed.

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