Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Gilgamesh- Tablets IV and V

Tablets IV and V seemed very... perspective changing for me. Throughout all the story we have been sold an image of Gilgamesh as the almighty, the unstoppable, the bravest of all but here we see his true face. People always say that it is in the hard times that you see how people really are, and here we saw how Gilgamesh acted during the trip to the Cedar Forest; he acted like a complete coward, geting scared and wanting to go back everytime he had a dream or saw something he didn't like, this left the faithful Enkidu to be the Man in this time and have to calm Gilgamesh down and encourage him to keep going. Gilgamesh was also being a big baby, they always tell us it was Enkidu who built the wells, Enkidu who found the shelter, Enkidu who got the food, and even when Enkidu was scared he didn't show it, didn't let the fear beat him like Gilgamesh did. We are sold this image of Gilgamesh as a semi-god when what he really is is a coward who basically depends on help from other people to succeed, during the journey he recieves help from Enkidu, Ramat-Ninsun, and the gods; I am pretty sure he would have also let himself be tricked, or even killed, by Huwawa if Enkidu hadn't been there to guide him.
The repeating of phrases is also really strong in these Tablets, and also very unappealing.

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