Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gilgamesh- Tablets IX and X

Tablet IX:
OMG!! That is my first thought after reading this Tablet. I just can't believe that after all that weeping and mourning after Enkidu's death, and after saying that they should both be the ones to die or both be the ones to live, Gilgamesh would actually realize what he was saying and get worried enough to go where 'no mortal has ever journeyed through', as the Scorpion Master Being says, to avoid death. Well, now that I think about it, I can believe it. I have never really liked Gilgamesh's character or what he represents, and this selfishness, even towards someone he loved so much and even against his own word, seems really of character for him. It is a very human aspect, and I think that Gilgamesh is meant to represent our society, the bad qualities and the good ones too.
One thing that surprised me, though, is that he was able to go through with this journey all alone, which must have been really hard for him to do. I think this contradicts me when I said that Gilgamesh was a coward and couldn't do anything without Enkidu. Sorry, Gilgamesh!

Tablet X:
In this Tablet I notice once again the repetition. It repeats various passages from other Tablets and from the same one too, but I see that the repeating happens so much that it kind of makes it easier to read and to understand without getting lost. I am really getting used t othis style of writing.
I still can't make up my mind of how Gilgamesh really feels towards the death of Enkidu 'the companion'. We can in this Tablet see how at times he seems only worried about himself and about what will happen to him, will he die and have the same fate as Enkidu? However, we are also shown how sad and deeply wounded he is over Enkidu's death, for 'seven days and nights [he] sat beside the body, weeping for Enkidu'. I think this trip he is making to the ends of the land in search of Utnapishtim, the only one who could tell him how to avoid death, could also symbolize that he wants to move forward and not let the memory of his brother die. Enkidu is probably spiritually with him all through the journey, because I really don't think he could have made it all by himself. Gilgamesh has been helped by many people too, like the mountain twins, the tavern keeper, the boat man, and I think the old man will help him too. I knew there was some catch to it!

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