Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I have no idea what this book, the Bhagavad-Gita, is about but from this first chapter I think is it going to be a bit like Gilgamesh, very philosofical. The writing and the title are old fashioned, so I can conclude that it was written long ago. It also talks about what I think are gods, Dhritarashtra and Pandu, and it repeats some verses.

This chapter talks about the moment that 'Dhritarashtra's sons' and 'the sons of Pandu' are gathered together and are about to begin a great war. They don't say what the war is about but I think it may have something to do with religion, based on how they are separated. Just before the war begins, Arjuna, Pandora's sons' leader, starts to wonder if war is really worth all the lives lost, all the troubles gone through, and that the only reward is kinsmansjip and power. I think this is very noble of him because not many peolple, men especially, find it easy to realize when they might be making a mistake or to give up power and wealth like he did. I think he decides not to fight in the war, and he says that 'if Dhritarashtra's armed sons kill [him] in battle when [he is] unarmed and offer[s] no resistance, it will be [his] reward.' I see in him a very good heart, which maybe isn't showed much throughout the stories.

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