Wednesday, March 3, 2010


In the Eleventh Teaching of the BHAGAVAD-GITA Arjuna is shown the true form of Krishna, his charioteer. Lord Krishna is really a god in disguise, he is 'the gog of gods', he has 'countless arms, bellies, mouths, and eyes'. I both liked and disliked this teaching.
It shows us how hipocritical a person can be when they feel threatend or intimidated, here we can see that when Krishna is just his charioteer, Arjuna treated him like any other, maybe he trusted him enoungh to tak ehis advice, but as soon as Krichna reveals himself as a powerful god, Arjuna starts acting very respectful, and devoted, he even says 'I failed to know you greatness. If in jest I offended you, alone or publicly, at sport, rest, sitting, or at meals, I beg your patience,unfathomable Krishna'. He himself accepts that he is being biased only to Krishna's power, and he begs him to 'show [him] the form [he] know[s]', to 'assume the four-armed form embodied in [his] totality'. I think that Krishna realizes this but he still respects Arjuna and lets him see him as he is, that can show us that Arjuna really is a good man, even if he has flaws like the rest of us.

I don't understand why Lord Krishna is so intent on Arjuna striving and understanding, but he even teahces him 'this most secret tradition', that Krishna is everything and only the man who strives has a god within him. I think that Krishna's point is, once again, that you must understand, dettach, and have alot of discipline to succeed, to go places in the future.

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