Thursday, March 18, 2010

Metamorphoses by Ovid- Creation Out of a Blob

As the title says, I understood that the interpretation of Metamorphoses by Ovid describes the world before creation as a blob. It says that everything was blended together, the sea, the sky, rocks, mountains, animals, even oceans and continents, was one. That was until a god began to separate each little thing and to set them in their place. It says that god 'fastened each thing to its place', maybe meaning that he locked things down so that they never changed, but the thing is that they do change, for good or for bad. Life would be pretty monotonous if things never changed, no matter how bad, don't you think?
I find what is said that a god did, form the earth and bring balance, peace, and salvation to the world, to be very common to Catholic and Christian beliefs. They say that God decided one day to make a man out of sacred clay and send him down to a perfect world that He had created. This is however a very common belief through religions.
I think it will be interesting to see ancient Greek and Roman mythology and beliefs, since they are the basis of our cultures today.

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