Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I chose this video because in these teachings we are told more about who Lord Krishna is, the god that, he believes, he is. He says that nothing is a part of him but that he is part of everything, and that a lot of people try to reach him but that only some, the 'men who understand', can. I think this movie, Bruce Almighty, represents this perfectly.We see that even though God does everything, and he created everything, not anyone cand be Him. When Bruce is given God's powers he doesn't know what to do with them or what to do about all the people who are trying to communicate with him, by prayer. It all ends in chaos but it shows us that we all have a little bit of a god in us, which I think is Krishna's message. He says that everyone tries to reach him and be him, and you could interpret that as everyone depending on a higher power to take care of things, God, destiny, or the Universe, however you would like to call it.

One thing that caught my attention was that Krishna says that 'a man who reaches me suffers no rebirth'. This makes me think that even if he was saying that rebirth was a good and inevitable thing before, maybe as a method of persuasion, he now refers to it as a nuisance and implies that it is a result of a life badly led. This shows us how Krishna changes throught his 'lecture', and I realize that that which started as advice on wether to go on or not go on with the war, has now turned into a lesson.

He talks about two 'bright and dark pathways', one is light and one is shadows, one leads to heaven and one leads to rebirth. He describes himself as the light passage, th eonly right way to live, and he tells Arjuna to follow his passage, 'devote yourself to me!'.

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