Tuesday, April 13, 2010

College Life- or Not

There are so many words to find,
When describing this work of art,
But unfortunately none come to mind,
So please excuse this improvised start.

Well the obvious is there,
Two men in a complicated relationship
Reaching towards something, we don’t know where.
We see one that is naked (he sure can strip!)
And the other has clothes on.
The former one looks fatherly and wise,
Probably weary of his son.
This one, in turn, seems to, not quite so despise,
But he is not in such a hurry to strengthen their bond.
Maybe he’s going off to college, one might guess,
Or maybe it’s just God with nothing to respond
To Him leaving Adam to deal with their mess.

I hope you sincerely enjoyed
My rambling on,
And that next time he is seen,
Adam might at least wear an apron.

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