Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Creation- First Draft

Today we started reading the Bible, the King James Bible.
Chapter one of the Book of Genesis talks about the first six days in which god created Earth and Heaven and everything in it.
Chapter two talks about the seventh day, when He decided to rest, and created man and then created the world for him.

I find these first two chapters kind of confusing, because even though it seems like chapter two is a continuance of the first chapter, it is a completely different story. It describes creation basically in the opposite order of the first version we are told, the former one states that God first created light, Day and Night, then oceans and land, trees and plants, then sea and flying creatures, then land animals, and finnally men. He then gave men power to reign over everything, all this in six days. In the second story God rested on the seventh day and then he created men and all of the creatures to keep him company, including creating a woman out of Adam's own rib.

While reading these stories I don't know what to think, for they sound as if they were the only thing that was true but at the same time they contradict each other. I am also not quite so comfortable analyzing such a religious and known text as the Bible, but it will be a new and different experience.

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