Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Finally God steps up to His actions and comes down to talk to Job about what is happening, although He does not explain it. I find it a little weird and too casual how just anybody, like Satan, can go and talk to God, and how normally people react to being contacted by God. If this had happened today, there would have probably been millions of old ladies in small towns proclaiming it as a miracle.

The first thing God says to Job is: 'Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?' He starts listing all His great achievements to Job, as if to make him regret comparing himself to God or just claiming not to be inferior to Him. However, I just think he's bragging: Who did this, who did that? Did you make this like that? Where were you when this? etc. I get a very strong feeling that here God needs to be constantly reassuring and proving His place above others, this shows a lot of insecurity.

Finally Job dies, 'being old and full of days.' But this doesn't happen until after job's three not-so-great friend are punished for 'not sp[eaking] of [God] the thing that is right', if you find some way of understanding it. It maybe means that none of the three of them really understood God, God's relationship with Job, or God's reasons for Job's punishments. They were all filling Job's head with wrong ideas about God and about how he acted, at one point they even said he was inferior to them, and now they must worship Job. In the end it all really paid off for Job, he proved his faith in God and is then rewarded with all he had before and more. He then dies, 'being old and full of days.'

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