Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Snapping Point

In the Book of Job Job is a good man, 'a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil', as God praises him to be. He never sinned and was always respectful to God, he frequently made sacrifices and blessed the Lord and all his children. This is why I find it so weird, first of all that God is talking with Satan, and that he lets Himself be manipulated by Satan, and second that God does nothing to stop Job's life from being destroyed by Satan, even does some of the destroying Himself. Job says 'I am full of confusion', he has always acted perfectly towards God, and he is being repaid by having to suffer more than anyone like him should suffer. However, if he had acted differently, disrespected Him, then the consequences would have also been horrible. He does not know what to do and, frankly, neither do I: it seems that God is never satisfied with what we do, He will always be up there observing us and judging us, punishing us when we don't do exactly what He wants- even if we don't know what that is. I think that sucks.

I still don't understand the paper Satan had to do in this part of the story, chapters one through ten, because he says: 'But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.' I understood from this that Satan was going to make Job suffer, as if he was God, so that Job might curse and hate God. However, I think that the one who put all those curses on Job was God, so I don't see why he does it or what relevance Satan has in the story. To me, God can represent evil all by Himself.

One thing that I saw was very common, and very normal to happen in today's world, is that even though Job suffered through so much, and most of it was put unto him by God, he always kept his calm and never even as much as cursed Him. That was until his friends came to visit him and 'they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him: for they saw that his grief was very great.' You always have the kind of person who is perfect and does everything right and never says bad words or does something inappropriate, at least on the outside. But these kinds of people are always bound to snap, with people they are very close to or with people who they would least expect it with. This is what happened with Job, once he was around his close friends he let loose and lashed out at God, cursing him and sinning and asking Him why he was doing this to him- why He couldn't just let him die.

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